QQ: 304718494


lGIRIS is a high performance SDK with competitive price.The performance of GIRIS has been verified by the datasets of CASIA, UBIRIS and MMU IRIS.

High Cost Performance of GIRIS

  1. No limits on user numbers.
  2. The source code is available to users.
  3. A powerful tool (Girist) and its source code is available.
  4. No limits on source code.
  5. No license fees – forever.
  6. Unlimited database size

The price of Giris SDK is as follows:

 Key Features of GIRIS

  1.        Average Decidability > 6.0
  2.        Average Correct Recognition Rate >95%
  3.        When FAR=0.01%, average FRR=5%
  4.        Average Extraction time <0.4s
  5.        Match rate>50000 irises/second
  6.        Handle noises such as eyelash, eyelids and strong reflections(Figure 1)
  7.        Upper limit of Rotation Angle:  ±15 degrees
  8.        No limits on size of iris.

The performance of GIRIST has been verified by the datasets of CASIA, UBIRIS and MMU IRIS. And the testing CPU is Intel Core 2.0 GHz.

Figure 1 Three eyes with strong noises which recognized by GIRIST

Try GIRIST 1.0 free.

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